Kira Durant Fitness Instructor Santa Cruz

Kira Durant Fitness Instructor Santa Cruz has this to say:

"My inspiration, as an instructor at MINORSAN, comes from seeing people push themselves, physically and mentally, thereby getting to be a part of that moment when they realize that ‘yes I can (do it)’—when they thought they couldn’t. I love those moments because they inspire me to do more.

Kira Durant Fitness Instructor Santa Cruz is an impressive Instructor at Minorsan. Ms Durant's been here since 2007. First, she started as a member, and within one year decided to get certified to be a KickAeroBix Instructor. Her next certification was BodyPump Instructor. The particular skills Kira Durant Fitness Instructor owns, are based on her ability to coach people to do more, do better, and get strong results. Motivation skills are at a 10.

~Clara E Minor

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