Fitness & Women's Self-Defense Empowerment in Santa Cruz

Fitness & Women's Self-Defense Empowerment in Santa Cruz is our Specialty

• Get Fit & Strong NOW.
• Know how to stand your ground.
• Make empowered choices.
• Learn Self-Defense so you can feel safe.

Cultivate your #BadassCourage in a safe environment.

Click I'm Ready to GET STARTED  on Gold Link for more info...

Womens Empowerment Studio

MORE THAN A TRANSFORMATIVE WORKOUT—with Fitness & Self-Defense classes and workshops, you'll gain new friends, connections, and be a part of our Team!


"KickAeroBix at Minorsan is a BIG part of my life. It invigorates me so that I do more even when I am not in class. Everybody who joins adds to the joy as we make new people feel welcomed and they become part of the class.

I've been coming to class for years and feel as though my body is conditioned to take the classes for years to come. It's better than running, which I did for years. It gives you a workout you can't get from walking. It's the best." ~ Margaret M

Kickboxing | Fitness | FighterFit Fempowerment

Cultivate #BadassCourage for big changes in your life.
Minorsan Self-Defense & Fitness, is located in Santa Cruz at The Tannery and at Laird's Academy.
Self-defense and empowerment training are waiting for you!

  • Health and Strength

    Get Fit, Healthy and Strong with FighterFit, Kickboxing, HIIT training, BodyPump®, Self-Defense & Yoga

  • Feel Great in Your Body

    And feel fantastic about the abilities you'll develop. Our Instructors coach everyone to their own personal greatness. Weight loss can be a bonus too.

  • Build Inner Resilience

    Build your body from the inside out with Yoga classes that'll complement the workouts beautifully.

Workouts | Classes |Programs

Our Workouts, Classes & Programs will help you achieve your goals, desires, and needs~

Fulfilling your purpose is why we provide these particular workouts, classes & programs. Ultimately, if we're a good fit for each other, our staff will safely guide you to stretch your limits (oh-so-carefully) and kick down the front door to your goals.

Thus, if you're looking for empowerment thru fitness classes, women's self defense, kickboxing, and weight training, we can do it together.

Fitness & Strength Programs

Ready to start feeling stronger in your body because of inactivity for too long? Stepping into your first class will allow you to feel something 'different' because of it's transformative nature.

Be ready to change that 'unhealthy' feeling and how you feel about you and your body.

Tired of feeling maybe-kinda-sorta sluggish? Yeah, you're not alone in that feeling. Yhy wouldn't you want a fun way to move your body, that also feels like such a cool workout? can feel good in your body and feel great about it as you move in new ways with increased muscular strength and physical prowess.

Your InnerBadass will thank you! Our fitness classes are meant to empower you thru kickboxing (hitting heavy bags), HIIT workouts, and weights2music classes—additionally, your bonus is weightloss.

Fitness Strength Programs - Santa Cruz, CA

FighterFit Fempowerment & Self Defense

"Live your life with confidence and fearlessness." Don't you wish it was easy? Nothing great has ever been easy. I mean, really.

So here's the deal: challenging yourself IS building confidence and fearlessness. You can do this because so many others are doing it. Since most humans thrive in the face of challenge, it turns out, we aren't all that different from each other.

Get fit & healthy-strong, learn some kick-butt combat skills, be able to defend yourself from 'the bad guys,' and still keep your humble attitude.

In fact, live the life YOU want with personal choices, rather than somebody else's decisions. It feels awesome to stand up tall and speak your mind, In fact, I know this because I did it too! And now I'm helping y'all to do the same.

Learn to cultivate #badasscourage, which results in loving your life and all the newfound power in it. There's nothing else like Women's self-defense training to enhance what your body already knows. Our women's classes are supportive and respectful of your level of experience, whatever that is for you.

woman sitting on floor against heavy bag

Youth Self-Defense Workshops

WE SCHEDULE YOUR GROUP UPON REQUEST so that it's convenient for everyone.

Kids and Teens need to know what to do when confronted by a bully or a possible predator, given that they're a targeted population.

Arm them with essential skills that'll provide smart choices when their safety is compromised.

Confidence is only as strong as the human body dictates. Self-Defene training develops skills and strategies for your child's smarter responses to threatening situations.

Give your children the gift of a breakthrough with the tools and knowledge to raise their self-esteem, and empower them, so that they make better choices.

Workshops held throughout the year. Schedule your group today.

Click here to get more info.

And yes, we do Groups at your place, or ours!

Childrens Program - Santa Cruz, CA

Take Advantage of the Intro Package

Your commitment to a healthy, powerful, and safe lifestyle is our priority

Why Choose Us?

  • YOU are the priority! Along with results, goals, and success, being comfortable here, no matter your body type, is important to us. In fact, feeling fantastic in your own skin becomes an integral part of your journey.

    100% support for you and every tiny achievement is why we're here.

  • Diversity is a mainstay at Minorsan. All we ask is that you treat others with kindness, respect, and acceptance of our individualism, as this creates a great environment. Everyone's right to feel confident, stand tall, and defend ourselves creates a healthy community.

    Move like nobody’s watching, strengthen your body, start a weight loss routine (if that's a goal), and feel fabulous about who you are in this world—it's a right. The LGBTQ+ Community is Welcome!

  • Convenient class times and options are available to pick and choose from. With this in mind, Live classes and Virtual classes can fit your schedule to accommodate specific needs. These Virtual classes are a great added perk, as are the Video Library of workouts!

  • We're all about helping people build power and confidence in their body so that it radiates strength. You'll feel like a Super-Shero athlete without having to be one, and move way beyond any weight loss goals too.

  • Respect for you and all children is number one, therefore there's  never any shaming, disregarding, or talking down to anyone. Children's emotions are more vulnerable than adults. With this in mind, we take really good care of children in our workshops.

  • Everyone wants peace of mind—especially Parents (and Aunts/Uncles/Grandparents/Caregivers), so that when our children are out and about, we trust they have skills and abilities to be safe.

    This peace develops when individuals learn to defend themselves, stand their ground and be heard, and/or feel confident that their children are less vulnerable. We got what you need to fill this void.

Take Advantage of Our Intro Package TODAY