FighterFit Fempowerment-
Self-Defense Training in Santa Cruz
Stand up tall, make your own choices, speak your mind, command respect, honor your body for its abilities, defend yourself, and get fit while doing it—why wouldn't you want to feel fantastic and a bit #badass!
FighterFit Fempowerment was created for women ready to 'drive their own bus.' Tired of doing for others? Get behind the wheel. We'll be your navigator.
We're all born with the ability to 'fight.' That's why we cry as babes. It's our 'defense' to get what we need. For most of us, this gets taken out of us. First, we're told not to cry (wrong wrong wrong!); and then we're taught to give away our power. Again, wrong wrong wrong!
If you're finally ready to take back your own birthright of self-empowerment, get on your bus!
Click Gold Bar to get more info from our Get Started page.
Modern Street Self-Defense Training Customized for Your Body Type
- Techniques/concepts will work for you regardless of your body type
- Learn efficient, effective, and powerful movements against other body types
- Your safety is a priority. You might be challenged, but your physical needs will be respected, and you'll learn how to stay as safe as possible
- Since this is not military-type training, you'll be learning what really works for you in a user-friendly environment
- Learn at your own pace based on what you can do and your particular learning style.
- Your understanding of the material will come easier because your body will be able to do it in a way that is comfortable for you
- Nobody will ever humiliate you because you feel you are not quick enough or strong enough
Heavy-Bag Work, Mitts Work, HIIT Training, and Application are Mainstays of this Program
- Your punching and kicking skills will develop in strength and power in dramatic ways
- Your confidence in your abilities will soar
- You will get into physical condition, so you will feel better about your body
- By feeling good about your physical condition, you will be more comfortable meeting new people, speaking in front of others, taking the lead, working with your community, buying a whole new wardrobe, or just getting out on your own!
- You have EVERYTHING to gain…Start NOW
Some Things to Think About...
Self-Defense in Santa Cruz has evolved. FighterFit Fempowerment is about helping you to find your internal #badass. You will feel more powerful, more in control, more in charge, and able to make your own decisions, because longer-term training is what makes new muscle memory.
Feel great and strong in your body, feel fantastic about your body, and feel great when you stand your ground. This is cultivating #badasscourage. Our FighterFit Fempowerment Program will provide new skills and strategies to help you get out of a possible confrontation before it even begins.
Learn how to be safe, and how to become a leader of your own life. Yes, you can benefit from Power-Training for Life™. When you fight for your life, your life will fight for you.
How often have you wished you had the right words to say at just the right time, but were only able to think of them after the situation was over? You were left with a defeated feeling.
What if there was a way to raise your confidence so you could stand up for yourself? What if you made choices that were better for you and your well-being, physically, mentally and emotionally?
What if knowing how to physically command your body to move in powerful and strong ways to keep you safe, was simple to learn?
If this applies to you, then continue reading, as this can be your path to the most powerful change you’ve ever made in your life.
Through our self-defense workshops and our FighterFit Fempowerment Program, you’ll be able to speak your mind, and take the lead in situations where someone is trying to overpower your words, thoughts and actions.
If you present an idea at work, and a co-worker immediately attempts to make you wrong, how do you turn it around?
What if someone at work, whom you’re not romantically interested in, continues to ask you out. Do you keep making excuses? How do you stop her/him from continually asking you, while still maintaining a working relationship?
What about something as simple as someone cutting in front of you while you’re waiting in a long line. Are you able to speak up? Can you be assertive?
Yes, you can do this without the use of bullying tactics. You can say what you feel with a strong sense of confidence. Even if someone doesn't agree with you, they will respect you! You’ll be better able to find the right words or know the correct action you need to take in order to feel strong, powerful and in control of the situation.
Can you ask for the promotion, or get the right job for you? Can you do that awesome presentation that will bring you a bonus? Can you command the attention and respect of your peers? If you have to hold a meeting, are you “boardroom ready?” Will you get the respect from everyone in the room? Can you say to your significant other that you've made the decision to divorce? (That's a tough one, believe me.)
Do you feel that others are always taking control and commanding you, or pressuring you to do things their way, or bullying you into making decisions you don’t really want to make? Then wouldn’t learning to solve these types of problems make sense to you?
Control freaks will always take control if you give it to them. With Self-Defense Training at MINORSAN, you'll learn how you can stop giving away your power.
Learn how to deal with difficult people and emerge with a win-win outcome. Be able to de-escalate difficult situations. Learn to examine solutions to make the best choices for your life. Learn communication skills, which are valuable in relationships with your family, friends, coworkers, acquaintances, etc.
We all deal with challenging situations, such as asking for that long-needed raise or maneuvering your way through (usually) challenging divorce proceedings; or making the presentation that will guarantee you the new position, negotiating with contractors for your new remodel, or even dealing with a life-threatening situation on the street. Life skills power-training is developed in affirming ways through the FighterFit Fempowerment Program.
Overcome your long-held habits about how you see yourself (level of self-esteem), what you are able to accomplish (self-confidence), incorrect perceptions you have in your mind (habitual thinking), or your feelings about being physically weak and vulnerable. The training will give you the skills to feel the strength and power in all areas of your life.
Everyone has a learning style. The material is structured to provide ease of learning. We provide modern street self-defense training customized for how your body moves best. You won’t be forced to make your body move in ways that might hurt you. You might be challenged, but your physical needs will be respected, and you’ll learn how to stay as safe as possible.
Since this is not military-type training, you’ll be learning what really works for you in a user-friendly environment. You are learning at your own pace based on what you can do and how you absorb information.
Heavy-bag work is incorporated in FighterFit Fempowerment training. It is one of the “power cornerstones” of the training. Work on the heavy bags, focus mitts, and kicking shields will develop strength and power, endurance and stamina. Your confidence in your abilities will soar! You will get into physical condition, so you will feel better about your body and how it functions with so much more ease, flexibility, and strength. Your energy levels will increase.
By feeling good about your physical condition, you will be more comfortable meeting new people, speaking in front of others, or even just walking down the street! Wouldn’t you like to feel comfortable going to the beach (knowing you are safe and you feel good!), going out to a night club, and feeling confident enough to ask someone to dance, or begin a conversation with someone you don’t really know that well? I know this would feel so awesome to you.
A hard-core attitude is for those who need to prove something to the world. Although we adhere to the ancient philosophical teachings derived from our martial arts philosophy (respect, honesty, compassion, acceptance, integrity, etc), our leading-edge perspective in self-defense training for our current times and modern world enables you to learn according to your needs and at your pace, with powerful results.
This means you can ask questions and you aren’t going to be “punished,” belittled, or humiliated. We won’t ask you to “drop and give me 20” as a way of doling out consequences. Instead you'll be assisted in reaching those 20 pushups from a perspective of gaining strength and confidence in your abilities to achieve anything that you put your mind to! We'll support you in getting to that full burpee, or 20 jumping jacks, or whatever is challenging you.
MINORSAN is about making you right as much as possible. It’s up to you to do the work. My Staff and I work with your psychological and emotional progress in positive ways so that you can stop creating any emotional and/or mental damage.
Your current condition is respected: physical, emotional and mental. Lessons will be customized to fit your body’s response in order for you to achieve your desired results. Since this is not militaristic-type training, you'll learn how to deal with any challenges thru repetitive movement and reinforcement.
How much is it worth to you to receive professional training with qualified instructors who will help you make life-long, lasting changes for a strong and powerful body, mind and spirit? How much will it cost you to not get this training?
If you are ready, Contact Us Here, and we’ll get started to see if you are a good candidate for this program.
Join the thousands of others who have enriched their lives, their relationships, their working environment, and raised their own confidence through feeling safe, secure, strong, and filled with power. Your dedicated training is a small price to pay for HUGE benefits that will last a lifetime.