Tori Lubahn Fitness Instructor in Santa Cruz

Tori Lubahn Fitness Instructor in Santa Cruz has this to say:

"Hi everyone! My name is Tori, and I’m working as a Body Pump instructor at Minorsan! My experience is in various martial arts, therefore it's helped me to transition to the fitness workouts at Minorsan. Originally, I started at Minorsan for the self defense classes. Then I went on to expand to each of the other cardio-centered classes—and I thoroughly enjoy each one.

The atmosphere and vibes of all the people, and the workout classes, make it a joy to teach. Being a FitnessI Instructor in Santa Cruz at a place that cultivates such a positive workout environment is so special. I’m so happy to be a part of this lovely community."

Tori came to my Studio originally to study in my FighterFit program. Without notice or any prompting on my part, one day I got stuck in such heavy traffic (moved 3 miles in two hours—which normally took 4 minutes). Completely missing class became my first option.

I texted her and told her to let the others know. If they still wanted to workout, then she could grab someone's phone, who had a playlist of any kind on it, and do the bags workout with the iPhone!

When I finally got there, Tori had used her own phone (no mic and no speakers), as she had an old playlist on hers, and HAD TAUGHT CLASS! This was with no training whatsoever. She just did the best she could.

Being completely and thoroughly impressed that someone would move right thru any anxiety and 'not-knowing' and just do the best she could, impressed me.Soon thereafter I hit her up to start teaching for me. (And everyone in class was super-happy!)."


~ Clara E Minor

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