‘Tabata’ is a method of weight loss and fitness with short training times. It has to do with timing (in seconds) and rest periods (in seconds), plus differing levels of intensity during these timed segments. It’s broader term is high-intensity interval training (HIIT). It is named after the researcher who discovered this method of training the body.
In 1996 Izumi Tabata and 5 other researchers in Japan worked with athletes to improve their performance. During this research, they developed these differing training protocols that involved short bursts of intense energy output (athletes worked hard less than a minute), then took a break (usually half the time that they ‘worked’), e.g. if they worked hard for 40 seconds, they would take a 20 second break. This is only one type of work/rest segmentation. There are about 8 differing protocols that came out of this research. Izumi Tabata developed the 20-second-on, 10-second-off protocol, thus the name ‘Tabata.’
The ’Tabata’ method involves 20 seconds of highest intensity with one exercise, then a 10-second break. Repeat the same exercise for 8 rounds. Total time will be 4 minutes. This is called a ‘true’ Tabata.
A ‘mixed’ Tabata is one that includes two different exercises that alternate for each round. You will actually do each one only four times for a total of eight rounds.
The research proved that performance, fitness levels, speed, endurance, and strength all increased with this type of training. It also increased weight loss. As this type of training ‘spread’ into the fitness world, other protocols emerged (thus about eight different types of high-intensity marketing movement. Fast-forward 18 years, and this type of training (HIIT) is now commonplace. Why? It works.
The intensity with which the muscles move keeps them burning energy for another 24 hours after the workout. A ‘Tabata’ performed in the morning (4 minutes with a one minute ‘warmup’ and one minute ‘stretch’ for a total of 6 minutes) will burn an extra 250 to 300 calories within the next 24-hour period. Although this is not that significant, it does provide the body with metabolic changes necessary for weight loss and will add to the rest of your day’s activities in your total energy output.
‘Tabata Bootcamp’ has been coined by Mindy Mylrea, an International Fitness presenter, and developer of the ‘Glider’ workouts, with accompanying dvds and numerous CD compilations of fitness music. She also has CD’s specific to Tabata workouts.
The Tabata Bootcamp she developed incorporates the 40-30-20 protocol of HIIT. Participants move ‘hard’ for 40 seconds, take a 20-second break, work ‘harder’ for 30 seconds and take a 15 second break, the work ‘hardest’ for 20 seconds with a 10-second break. Then they move on to the next exercise. And here is the key: every person works at his/her own level! Yes, even people who feel ‘out of shape’ and ‘unconditioned’ can do this and get results. If you haven’t worked out in…forever…you can do it!
The class is 30 minutes long, and will include 7 to 8 exercises (some are performed on one side only for the 40-30-20 time segments, then the other side is worked the same, e.g. lunges). As participants progress through the Bootcamp, we add hand-held ‘equipment’ that helps boost how the body burns energy and works the muscles. More load on the muscles (from the equipment), means leaner muscles and faster results. The Tabata Bootcamp also incorporates ‘tabatas.’
These 30-minute classes are comparable to a 60-minute weight training class in terms of metabolic changes the body goes through. It helps create leaner muscles, which means your metabolism increases. A higher metabolism means it will be easier to lose weight.
So for those with limited time, it is a great way to achieve results with fitness levels and weight loss (reducing percentage of body fat). Classes in this Bootcamp are held three times per week.
Although the very word ‘intensity’ scares a lot of people, everyone works at their own pace. Exercises are modified for those who have not worked out in a long time. As strength increases and fitness levels amp up, participants begin to naturally move with more intensity.
In the Tabata Bootcamps at MINORSAN there is no competitive atmosphere. In fact, quite the opposite. It is very supportive of every participant. We encourage everyone to take the movements at their own pace and in a way that works for their body. Participants love this aspect of the Bootcamp. They don’t feel intimidated, nor belittled. They get encouragement at every step. They get support and they love the accountability! Yes, we work closely with everyone. We are in constant contact with each person throughout the eight weeks.
Tabata Bootcamp also includes help with behavioral changes, performing the exercises safely, and food intake. In order to truly ‘know’ what Tabata Bootcamp is like, we encourage everyone to come to one of our ‘Tabata Teaser/Intro’ Days. We schedule these every four weeks on the mark. Our first one for 2015 is on January 10. Bootcamp begins the next day (signups happen on January 10 or sooner). Sunday is always the ‘day off.’
Some people use Tabata Bootcamp to get back into a workout routine. They just want a jump-start. Others use it for weight loss. Others use it to feel more ‘fit.’ And many repeat bootcamp after bootcamp because it simply works for their busy schedules, and they are feeling the results of their efforts.
Whatever your goals might be, if they include weight loss, feeling fit, getting in shape, finding your fitness groove, and you are limited on time, Tabata Bootcamps just might be your ticket. You will never know until you check it out.
If you’d like more information, contact us. You may also register for the next Tabata Teaser/Intro Day on our Tabata page.
Clara E Minor is Owner and Master Instructor/Trainer at MINORSAN Self-Defense & Fitness in Santa Cruz, CA. She runs a tightly-smooth ship with a caring hand. She will be more than happy to speak with you about your situation.