Those of you who take my classes have heard me mention this after class: my ‘crazy’ energy is from PMB Hemp Oil Extract (and just a dose of Clara too).
What is PMB Help Oil Extract?
I’ll explain in a bit. First, I want to give you a bit of the history. I have been introduced to the next level in our quest for healthier bodies/minds/souls/spirits. It is one of a few ‘revolutionary’ discoveries. There has not been a greater discovery in the scientific/nutritional community in the past 30 years. This is huge!
Nanotechnology Opened Up Our World (and it is not scary…)
In 1992, Dr. Raphael Mechoulam and his colleagues, using the newly developed technology (the ability to break particles down into infinitely tiny particles—under 0.1 micrometer), discovered the endocannabinoid system in the human body. Ever since scientists all over the world have been clamoring to find out more about it. They realized that we have ‘receptor sites’ all over our bodies, influencing our nervous system, hormone system, and immune system. Humans have been on the planet for how many years now? So this is a very recent discovery.
And Just What Are Receptors?
Receptors (on the edge of our cells), as in ‘receives,’ receive information from our blood; they respond to hormones, neurotransmitters, signalers throughout the body and they take cues from what is presented through the normal process of our bodies, and turn them into proteins and organize the biochemistry around the things that are hitting the receptors. (Yes, this is kinda scientific, but bear with me for a bit.)
The receptor ‘sites’ are everywhere in the human body (the biggest class of receptors in the human body are the cannabinoids), with a predominance in the brain and the central nervous system, and in the periphery on the immune cells; plus women have a large cluster of receptors in the lower abdominal region (uterus/ovaries, etc).
Cell to Cell Communication
This happens through the cell membranes. When the membranes are damaged, cell to cell communication, and communication within the cell, is compromised. Healthy cell to cell communication demands healthy cell membranes. All of this, and more is explained in the 45-minute video posted below.
(You’ll need to get past the whoops and hollers, as Dr Christopher Shade, a well-known award recipient in the world of advanced nutrition, and considered by his peers to be the ‘expert’ in the science of detoxing the body, is preaching to the choir here—filmed at the PMB launch conference in June 2017).
It is extremely insightful in learning about this newest scientific/nutritional discovery. Watch his hour-long video at the link below.
In short, we make cannabinoids inside our bodies, with our endocannabinoid system. They modulate our hormones, the way we run our immune system and the way we run neurotransmitters in the brain. The scientific evidence around the healing properties of the hemp plant is well-documented. Dr. Christopher Shade has been working on this formula for years. (Oh this is so scientific!) Watch the video below.
Why am I telling you all this?
Because to not tell you would be a disservice on my part. I educate people whenever I can. If I am wrong, I will stand corrected. I educate myself, so I can educate others. People then make their own choices. The discovery of vitamin C was huge. So is this. And, yes, I will tell you up front I am using the PMB product. I am also making it available to others. How could I not? I truly want everyone to know about this option. It is truly revolutionary.
How many people do you know:
• that feel sluggish most days
• feel ‘out of whack’
• have ‘brain fog’
• are depressed
• feel low
• think a lot of negative thoughts
• have no energy
• just can’t get anything done because they are lethargic
• have sleepless nights
• are dealing with chronic health issues
• hate exercising
• have immune disorders
• have constant infections
• get sick a lot
• have mental illness
• get exhausted easily,
• are exposed to environmental toxins (think car exhaust/diesel fumes)
• or lack the wherewithal to make positive changes, etc.?
This is not ‘normal,’ however, it is the ‘norm.’ Being ‘the norm’ does not make it ok. There are many people who don’t have any of these issues, and say they ‘feel ok.’ Being in a sickened state, or even feeling ‘ok,’ is not normal. It is imbalance.
What is Normal?
Feeling vibrant and energetic, in a content and happy state—that, is normal. Facing challenges with a positive and open attitude is normal. The human body was made in a perfect manner. It has the ability to heal itself, given the proper tools. Yes, it can get complicated to think of all the ‘proper tools’ for any imbalance, be it a cold, or cancer, or autism; however, it is possible.
Most of the time we need expert advice and/or expert help. Some expert advice/help can assist us in making our condition better. Some of the expert advice/help can even assist us to regain full health. Full and vibrant health is normal. Most of us know know that to ‘heal’ anything, we need to get to the root of the problem, not cover it constantly with bandaids. As long as there is no ‘cure’ or answer, we must use the bandaids. I’ve always (as long as I can remember) been about finding the root of the problem: what, when, where, why and how? Thus, I had to open my mind when people began to tell me about this hemp stuff.
Homeostasis: ‘Coming Home’ to Our Bodies
This revolutionary dietary supplement and it’s amazing properties allow our bodies to reach homeostasis, the process whereby our bodies work like they were meant to work. Most babies have perfect to near-perfect homeostasis at birth. As our bodies gather more and more toxins from our environment, with each added year, homeostasis becomes more challenging, thereby compromising what our bodies are meant to do to be optimally healthy. Toxins can make our receptor sites shut down (cell membranes become unhealthy). As adults, many of us live our lives in less than optimal health.
Why is this dietary supplement so revolutionary? There is no other growing thing on this Earth for which we have receptor sites, like we do for the hemp plant’s extracts.
Let’s Talk About Hemp
Just the very word brings up images in many people’s minds, mostly related to illegal substances. When I first heard about this product, I had no interest in taking any into my body, as I too had preconceptions about it’s relationship to other illegal substances. ‘Just don’t talk to me…I’m not interested,’ was what I was thinking. And then I decided to just listen, as I was closing off my mind (something I strive to overcome when I hear something I disagree with).
The hemp plant has been around for 5,000 years. There are a multitude of uses for this most amazing plant, from healing, to clothing, to industrial use. And, it is a legal plant in all 50 States.
Dr Christopher Shade’s formula is PrimeMyBody’s Hemp Extract (Oil)
This formula contains synergistic (the sum of all work better together) ingredients that have been specially formulated to make this product the absolute highest quality on the planet, and to make it the most ‘bio-available’ (more about in the video), of all hemp oils in existence. All ingredients are organic. Each ingredient has passed the EWG’s (Environmental Working Group) tests for purity and the least toxicity. Ongoing quality-assurance testing is conducted for each ingredient. All are tested to be GMO-free.
So What is ‘Bio-Availability’ and Why Does it Matter?
Bio refers to our biological system, the way our muscles, nerves, blood, bones, hormones, etc, all work together. ‘Available’ refers to how the body uses the foods and liquids that we put into it. How much of the ‘usable’ parts of any food or drink (nutrients) actually can be used by the body, as opposed to being excreted as they go through our small intestines into the large intestines and filtered out through the liver, kidneys, urine, stools, and skin, is the ‘bio-availability’ of the product.
The bio-availability of PrimeMyBody’s Hemp Extract is more than 90%. This means that your body uses 90% of the product. There are other hemp oils on the market. Their bio-availability is about 6%-10%. (Yes there is scientific research to back this us. Watch Dr Shade’s video.) So even though other brands cost less, you have to use/buy more to get the same result. And it takes longer to achieve results. This is a huge difference.
How Does the Bio-Availability Happen?
The PrimeMyBody Hemp Extract is administered with exact precision (small pump on the bottle), and is taken under the tongue. The ‘oil’ is nano-enhanced, which means that the particles are so small that they can absorb through the membranes in the mouth. Within 30-90 seconds it is absorbed into the system (placed under the tongue). The other oils are taken internally and go through the digestive process, therefore they are not absorbed quickly and directly. Much is destroyed in the stomach alone. This is where the bio-availability is compromised.
Homeostasis Discussions
You have heard me talk about homeostasis in classes, especially in Tabata Bootcamp, as it relates to the muscles needing to recover. The muscles can only recover when your body reaches homeostasis. The muscles need to relax in order to repair and rebuild. This process then boosts your metabolism, thereby making weight loss easier, by making your muscles leaner (which require more energy to sustain themselves in their new leanness), and your bones become more dense (which combats osteoporosis).
Your body needs to be functioning in the parasympathetic nervous system to repair and rebuild. This is where it goes when we sleep soundly. When we ‘can’t get to sleep’ our sympathetic nervous system is active. PMB’s Hemp Extract helps the body to reach homeostasis and easily go into the parasympathetic nervous system when it is time to rest and sleep. You can also get there through meditation and deep breathing. (However, this can’t fully heal the cells’ membranes.)
When our brains are ‘on fire’ (when our sympathetic, fight-or-flight nervous system is activated), we cannot truly rest. If there is inflammation in the brain, we cannot truly rest. And inflammation in the brain causes many mental ‘instabilities.’ When we are in normal waking hours (daytime) we need energy. This product then enables us to feel the pure energy of our bodies without adding stimulants.
If our bodies are in constant high-energy expenditure, and don’t have time to rest, then the body cannot recover to do what it is supposed to do best in homeostasis: repair and rebuild. Our bodies are wonderful works of perfect art. We are the ones who mess them up. And by ‘we’ I mean humans create the toxins in our air, food and water, and we are even subjected to toxic people.
Sometimes as individuals we have no control over what others choose to do. Their choices can affect us, an entire community, and even the entire world. We have the choice to do something about it. We can start with our own bodies/minds/souls/spirits. Fix that first, then we are set to begin helping others find their true fix, and dealing with larger problems in the world.
Our ‘Cultural Default’
Many conditions of sluggishness, inactivity, always feeling tired, brain fog, lackluster existence, and generally being in a state of unhappiness are common. We are toxic. It is the ‘norm’…however it is not normal. It is (as Robin Holland stated to me), our ‘cultural default.’ There are so many of us feeling so much less than optimal, that we take it as a normal thing. “Oh yeah, lots of people I know feel this way too.” Therefore, we make it ‘normal.’ It is not normal. It is the norm. Again, not really ok if you want to reach your highest levels of vibrancy, energy, nutritional balance, and health.
I am giving you this information because if you ever get to a point where you are just fed up with your health as is, the ‘cultural default,’ and you’ve tried ‘a million things,’ here is a great option that could very possibly help turn it around. You just have to give it a chance…Just give it a chance.
Text me, IM me, contact me however you can if you want more information, or if you are ready to make a purchase.
You can purchase this oil at
If you’d like a small sample bottle for $35, let me know.
My Mission is to ‘Heal the World—One Person at a Time, and It Begins with You’
It took me all day to write this…(lol). I spent this time because I truly want as many people as possible to know about this discovery. And if it moves you too, spread the word.
Watch the video HERE.
Clara E Minor
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