Firearms Safety Class for Everyone
In this Firearms Safety Class you will learn everything you ever wanted to know about them. Types of bullets, different firearms, most common used, learn about calibers, what the numbers mean, which have magazines (and what are magazines?), how much time it takes to fire each one, what are revolvers, semi-automatics, automatics, etc.
Held June 17, 6:00 – 8:00 pm. Tickets may be purchased here.
Taught by an Expert Marksman with extensive Firearms Training, is a Defensive Tactics Instructor, Taser Instructor, has extensive training in Use of Force (Decision-Making), and has a lifelong Martial Arts Background.
Rio Minor – Firearms Safety Class Instructor
I know this is a hard subject for some to even talk about, and is controversial in the larger picture. This Firearms Safety Class is for educational purposes only. You can ask all the questions you’d like. You can even hold the firearms if you choose to do so. Remember, this is about safety. This class will help demystify firearms for you so that you will be more educated.
To sign up for this class, you can purchase tickets here. There is early bird pricing.
You can always contact me for further information.
Clara E Minor
Master Instructor-Trainer
Minorsan Self-Defense & Fitness